AI and machine learning

What is the difference between machine learning and AI?

  • On : November 24, 2023

Two buzzwords that continuously keep popping up in the field of marketing are artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). These words also seem to be used interchangeably as many people believe them to be the same. Although they are similar, they are not quite the same, but many ...

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What is the Future of Marketing 2023

  • On : November 21, 2023

In the dynamic realm of marketing, the only constant is change. Over the past few years, this change has been accelerated by the relentless growth and evolution of technology. As we step into 2023, the landscape of marketing is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by the pervasive ...

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person standing in front of lights

How AI and Machine Learning Can Enhance Human Development and Learning?

  • On : November 15, 2023

AI is often misunderstood and feared, but we should not be afraid of this amazing technology. AI is not here to take over, but to help us grow and learn. AI can work with us, not against us, and help us discover new things about ourselves and the world. AI can boost our learning potential […]

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How can machine learning technology maximise the success of marketing

How can machine learning technology maximise the success of marketing?

  • On : November 9, 2023

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that enables machines to learn from data and improve their performance without explicit programming. Machine learning has been transforming various fields and industries, including marketing. Marketing is the process of creating, ...

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How to generate leads in 2020

A guide to Lead Generation in 2023

  • On : March 15, 2023

In 2023, lead generation will be different. Why? As most of our customers no longer interact with us in person and new technologies are replacing old ones, like search engines and email marketing, how we adjust to the work-from-home environment will determine how well we can use customer ...

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4 Critical Reasons for Why Machine Learning Takes So Long

4 Critical Reasons for Why Machine Learning Takes So Long

  • On : June 2, 2022

Machine learning has enormously benefited businesses in various ways. The Gartner research shows that more than 75% of companies will invest in big data in the next few years. So why has machine learning become so important to companies?

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technology adoption

Why Technology Adoption Is Now Compulsory

  • On : August 5, 2021

We live in a world where not all industries operate on the same level of innovation. Some industries boast impressive digitalisation and technology adoption, whereas others see no value in it, especially the more traditional sectors. But that is all soon to change.

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How Marketers Are Adapting To A New Way Of Thinking

How Marketers Are Adapting To A New Way Of Thinking

  • On : February 8, 2021

In light of the pandemic, it has become nothing but obvious that businesses need to rethink their marketing strategies and digitalize their business. With many businesses shutting down in the last year, marketers are evolving and adopting a new way of thinking. Businesses require to take ...

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The Ultimate Marketing Technology Stack for 2021

The Ultimate Marketing Technology Stack for 2021

  • On : November 11, 2020

The incredible growth of marketing technology cannot be understated. We have seen from Gartner’s 2018-2019 study that marketing technology or “martech” is increasingly becoming a focal point of most businesses marketing budgets, accounting for roughly 29 percent of marketing expenditures on ...

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Women in Technology

How Being A Woman In Technology Smashed My Confidence

  • On : October 13, 2020

It was 25 years ago, almost to the day, that I started as a young woman in the technology industry. At the time, I was an ambitious, vibrant, enthusiastic technology marketing specialist keen to make my mark on the world. Everyone was so inviting back then and always ensured that I had the ...

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