Robotic Marketer Blog Posts from November 2019

Know Your Audience, Engage Actively With Target Audiences

Know Your Audience, Engage Actively With Target Audiences

  • On : November 22, 2019

You’ve streamlined your product. It’s ready to fly off the shelves in droves. But, where do you find customers that want to buy it? Don’t let your product die on the shelf or spoil in a digital cart. Develop a loyal target audience that fits perfectly fits your product design.

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Robotic Marketer: A Simple Solution. Make Marketing Easy.

Robotic Marketer: A Simple Solution. Make Marketing Easy.

  • On : November 21, 2019

What’s your biggest marketing obstacle? Whether omitted or poorly executed, many companies fail to plan. But, there is a solution. Robotic Marketer makes askew plans are a thing of the past. Hurdle the barriers of traditional marketing and step into the future of strategic planning.

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Increase Market Control with Strategic Alliances

Increase Market Control with Strategic Alliances

  • On : November 21, 2019

Strategic alliances maneuver your business toward increased sales and greater brand awareness in the market. Navigating these arrangements with complementary businesses can be difficult, however, they are quintessential in the strategic process.

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Sinking in a Sea of Customers? Swim with CRM

Sinking in a Sea of Customers? Swim with CRM

  • On : November 14, 2019

CRM is a strategic approach to detailing and maintaining relationships with current and potential customers. Proper use of CRM tools streamlines your customer pipeline and pivots your business toward success. Let’s take a deeper dive.

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Email Marketing, More Influential Than Facebook and Twitter Combined?

Email Marketing, More Influential Than Facebook and Twitter Combined?

  • On : November 9, 2019

Email marketing is one of the most pervading forms of media today. This channel boasts some 3.9 billion users, surpassing the total accounts of Facebook and Twitter, combined. If you’re not using email marketing to reach your target audience, you should be. So how exactly does your business ...

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B2B Enterprise And The Early Adoption of TikTok App

B2B Enterprise And The Early Adoption of TikTok App

  • On : November 7, 2019

TikTok! No…we’re not talking about a clock.  TikTok is the world’s fastest-growing social media platform and its numbers are staggering. 500 million users and 1.2 billion downloads make the app ripe for user engagement. However, is it possible for the B2B ventures to adopt this ...

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SEO, Just Another Useless Buzzword?

SEO, Just Another Useless Buzzword?

  • On : November 5, 2019

For many, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is just another buzzword tossed in a sea of jargon promoted by marketers. However, SEO is much more than just a phrase. How can SEO become part of your game plan and marketing strategy for 2020?

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‘Lights, Camera, Keep Up’: The Age of Strategic Video Marketing

‘Lights, Camera, Keep Up’: The Age of Strategic Video Marketing

  • On : November 1, 2019

Today, consumers are spending 33% of their time watching online video content. To keep up with these staggering figures, companies must keep video content in their wheelbarrow. So then, how do we integrate video into our marketing strategy?

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