SEO, Just Another Useless Buzzword?

SEO, Just Another Useless Buzzword?

  • On : November 5, 2019

For many, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is just another buzzword tossed in a sea of jargon promoted by marketers. However, SEO is much more than just a phrase. How can SEO become part of your game plan and marketing strategy for 2020?

What exactly is SEO? 

SEO is like reliability for the internet.

It’s proving that you have the authority and the credentials to boost your web ranking over similar companies and promote your ventures over theirs. This standard for the ranking of your company online builds trust and establishes your brand among consumers. When you pick the right keywords, phrases and slogans algorithms within search engines will place your website organically higher in searches. 

Shane Barker discovered that in:

“Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst, Gary Ilyes admitted that Google updates their algorithm three times every day. In such a dynamic environment, your brand’s dependability can give you an edge over your competitors.”

Keeping our SEO up to date can increase web traffic, establish your domain authority and pull more customers to your website through a higher organic search rate. Studies show that:“51% of all website traffic comes from organic search.” Clients and customers are finding this being said, let’s look at a plethora of way through which we can implement SEO into our marketing strategy.

It Begins with Google…

In findings from Net Market Share,

“Google accounted for almost 74% of all global traffic in 2018.”

This behemoth of a search engine is dictating how consumers peruse the internet. Bing, Yahoo, nice try! British-American internet aficionado Jimmy Wales is famous for saying,

“If it isn’t on Google, it doesn’t exist.”

While this statement sounds high-brow and bookish, I have to admit, Jimmy Wales has a point. And if we want our businesses to be successful (yes, on every corner of the internet), then let’s look at some ways we can make SEO a foundation of our strategy.

Hey Alexa, play SEO.

Okay, it was just a joke–a bad joke. We’re not talking about amazon’s disembodied voice service. Rather, we are referring to the SEO improvement tool (also strangely owned by Amazon, in Jeff Bezos’ plan to rule the world). This robotic assistant shows your website’s global and national rankings and gives you suggestions for how you can improve keywords so that users find your website more easily. Let’s study an example.

Let’s say that you run a Coffee shop in Brooklyn, New York, however, you’ve never mentioned surrounding boroughs on your website. Alexa might suggest you mention Queens or the Bronx to improve your audience’s search-ability when they are looking for coffee shops within the city. The next week if you have used that phrase in a blog, you might see that click through and bounce rates have both improved. It seems simple, but the language we are using on our personal and professional sites are important and can generate more click-through conversions online.

Blogging: The Universal Tool

Regularly blogging refreshes and renews the content displayed on your website. One of the reasons that so many companies consistently blog is to maintain online relevance. Rather than disappear into the dim shadows of online content they blog to push themselves into the light. When companies blog regularly they improve SEO by updating short words and terms associated with their product or service. Through the insertion of these phrases and keywords (perhaps suggestion of Alexa), you can push your website back to the top of the dog pile of websites on Google and other search engines.

Content, Content, Content

Blogging, though perhaps the most universal tool for many companies, is only one extension of a larger umbrella of online content. To coalesce the sea of content and options at your disposal, we have to discover what works the best. We suggest the following simple cycle:

  • Identify Content
  • Optimize Content
  • Revise

Content creation is an ongoing cycle. To see what keywords resonate with our customers and what jargon peaks their attention the most, we must constantly revise our content. We must identify content that resonates with our targeted audience. We can optimize that content through SEO improvement tools like Alexa or Google Analytics. Then, the process starts over again–revise, revise, revise. Revision is the mark of a greater writer and content creator and will help your SEO skyrocket.

SEO and Seamless Strategy

Still, feel like you need help implementing SEO into your strategy? Robotic Marketer will create a marketing strategy that seamlessly integrates SEO into your plan for the new year. Our AI-based strategy solutions will ensure that your company exists on Google. Let’s push you to the top of the search engine query today!