Robotic Marketer Blog Posts from April 2024

Targeted Advertising in Real Estate

Targeted Advertising in Real Estate: The AI Advantage

  • On : April 25, 2024

Even those who are not related to the real estate industry are aware that in the real estate universe, every second counts. Targeted advertising has emerged like a super-power for this industry, transforming the way properties are promoted and transactions are facilitated. As we navigate the ...

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AI Marketing Team

 Psych Profiling in the Modern AI Powered Marketing Team:

  • On : April 25, 2024

In marketing teams, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just reshaping strategies but also team dynamics. As AI becomes a more common fixture in marketing departments, understanding the psychological makeup of human team members in this new context becomes crucial. As we ...

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Marketing: Is Your Marketing Team Blocking You From Scaling?

  • On : April 25, 2024

Everyone’s been there. When a colleague or someone on your team pulls out everything they can to stop you doing something albeit implementing new technology, a new technique or methodology or a completely new direction for your business.  Businesses are often caught between the ...

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AI is Killing Marketing: The facts behind AI adoption in the marketing industry

  • On : April 24, 2024

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) in the marketing sector has sparked a seismic shift, challenging the traditional paradigms of the industry and inciting a blend of enthusiasm and unease among marketing professionals. As AI tools automate repetitive tasks and encroach upon creative and ...

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Insights from Three Decades of Marketing Journey: Navigating Change and Innovation

  • On : April 19, 2024

As I reflect on my three-decade-long journey in marketing, I’m struck by the myriad shifts and turns that my career has taken. From a junior writing script for my boss on a typewriter to a founder of groundbreaking marketing technology. The lessons learned along the way are both plentiful and ...

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The Maturity of the AI Marketing Strategy

  • On : April 5, 2024

Very few people can keep up with the changing pace of marketing, and the emergence of AI Marketing Strategy Generators as they mark a revolutionary leap. These tools promise to harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to create marketing strategies that are ...

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