Robotic Marketer Blog Posts from March 2019

City buildings

Does AI have the potential to destroy or improve society?

  • On : March 28, 2019

AI in Marketing: Transforming or Destroying Society?   The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in the realm of marketing is a phenomenon that has garnered both excitement and apprehension. AI’s potential in marketing, a field pivoting on human insights and creativity, has led to a ...

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Business articles in newspaper

Will Implementing AI in your Business give it a Competitive Advantage?

  • On : March 26, 2019

It is said that businesses who adopt Artificial Intelligence are 3.5 times more likely to grow their profit margin by up to five points more than industry peers.

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retail suits hanging up.

How is AI revolutionising the retail industry?

  • On : March 18, 2019

These days AI is involved in most industries and the retail industry is no different. Already adopted by some retailers, over a quarter of retailers were deploying AI in 2018, investments in this new technology will continue to increase by 2022.

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Background photo

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

  • On : March 11, 2019

It is apparent that the evolution of artificial intelligence has provided many specific benefits to many industries. With the ability to perceive its environment, interpret external data to learn and adapt, and take actions to maximise the success of goals, it is evident that the incorporation ...

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Computers using artificial intelligence

Regulation Before Regret

  • On : March 7, 2019

In the fast-paced era of technology, artificial intelligence is evolving at an alarming rate. Robots are beginning to possess the ability to learn and read human expressions, along with the ability to have a complete conversation with people.

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Human interaction with computers

Does AI still need humans to succeed

  • On : March 4, 2019

Artificial Intelligence has very quickly established itself as a tool that is being commercially used in government and corporate systems on a large scale and it’s showing no signs of deceleration.

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