Human interaction with computers

Does AI still need humans to succeed

  • On : March 4, 2019

Artificial Intelligence has very quickly established itself as a tool that is being commercially used in government and corporate systems on a large scale and it’s showing no signs of deceleration. When something of this magnitude and intelligence is making massive strides into society and the workplace, one must ponder, will us humans still be needed? And the answer to that is yes. If anything, at most, AI is making our lives easier by doing tasks that probably would’ve required more time and effort in the past but now can be accomplished in a much shorter time with probably better results.


An example of this would be in the Marketing industry where there are now tools such as Robotic Marketer that are able to do a large portion of the marketing research for a company within minutes when in the past it would have potentially taken 100+ hours of work if done by humans, thus emphasising how time and cost-effective AI can potentially be. Through this, companies are now able to save more time and are able to allocate more time to other tasks and projects whilst also saving money in the process. It is said that through this tool, a human will only be needed for the last 20% of strategy to overlook the data that was collected and to make finishing touches. Thus, further stressing the notion that humans are needed for AI to succeed and that AI is merely a means for making our lives easier.


Self-driving cars are also an example of where AI has made our lives easier as driving becomes a very simple concept but also need our presence simultaneously in order for it to function. An example of this would be Level 4: High automation vehicles which do most of the driving for us but of course human intervention is necessary time to time depending on the weather or for unusual environments which further reinforces that fact AI does make life easier for humans but human intervention is obviously still needed in order for it to function smoothly.

Fraud detection

Fraud has been a lingering issue that has given numerous financial institutions a headache for years and has made them lose millions of dollars but since the inception of Artificial Intelligence, it has been made able to assist financial institutions in detecting unfamiliar patterns or irregular activity within a customer’s spending. Through this, banks are able to take action by freezing transactions on the account and by contacting the customer to ask them about the irregular spending because there could be a possibility that the transactions may have been done so by the customer himself and not by a fraudster. Although AI implementation could initially be a costly affair in the early stages, it could prove to save millions in the long term for banks which highlights the ease AI can give to humans and why humans are needed so they can act on irregularities that AI may have detected.