Robotic Marketer Blog Posts from February 2024

Staying Ahead in 2024: The Role of AI-Driven Marketing Platforms.

  • On : February 28, 2024

The established norms that once dictated marketing strategies are proving insufficient in the face of complex consumer behaviors, technological advancements and a global marketplace in constant flux. This comprehensive exploration focuses on the pivotal role of AI-driven marketing platforms, ...

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The Rise of AI Marketing Strategies: Is it all that it’s hyped up to be?

  • On : February 26, 2024

We all know that the traditional way of developing marketing strategies is dead and buried. They lack relevancy and don’t use the data available particularly given that any company today has more digital marketing assets than they are non-digital. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) ...

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Decoding Kanye West’s Marketing Strategy: Lessons for Success

  • On : February 20, 2024

Kanye West, known for his groundbreaking music and bold persona, made headlines with his unique marketing strategy during the Super Bowl. By advertising his products during the event and pricing them at $20 each, he generated a staggering $20 million in sales within days. Let’s systematically ...

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Mastering the Art of Comprehensive Marketing Strategy: From Development to Analysis

  • On : February 20, 2024

Designing a marketing strategy and breaking it down into actionable components, including content marketing, and then moving onto reporting and analysis, involves a systematic approach. Here’s a flow that encapsulates this process:

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Embracing the New Era of Marketing: Implementing and Benefiting from AI-Enhanced Marketing Tactics

  • On : February 14, 2024

It has become undeniable that traditional marketing strategies and tactics are struggling to keep businesses afloat in the current market. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has signaled a new epoch in marketing, a time where data-driven insights, automation, and personalization are not ...

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Google Ads in 2024

What can you expect from Google Ads in 2024

  • On : February 9, 2024

Google Ads undergoes continuous changes all the time. In the past year, advertisers have gained access to additional AI tools, experienced changes in attribution models, and witnessed numerous updates throughout the platform. So, what’s in store for Google Ads this year in 2024? Changing ...

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An image of an upward graph with yellow arrow. Generative AI.

Robotic Marketer: Definitive Leading Marketing Technology Company

  • On : February 8, 2024

In the dynamic world of marketing technology, progression confidently advances rather than stumbling through missteps. Novel platforms consistently arise, resembling digital blooms, presenting the appeal of amplified growth and engagement. However, with the proliferation of intricacies and ...

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Robotic Marketer: AI in Marketing

Power of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

  • On : February 7, 2024

Businesses use innovative technologies to be competitive in the constantly changing digital world of today. With the use of algorithms and data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing marketing by improving decision-making and delivering tailored experiences. Customer ...

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Navigating the AI Marketing

Can A Robot Do My Marketing?: Navigating the AI Marketing Landscape

  • On : February 2, 2024

This question is top of mind for many business owners and marketing professionals alike. There is a sense of excitement that robots can do your marketing, without dropping the ball, forgetting to do the basics or having a sick day. It’s music to many entrepreneurs ears. I founded Robotic ...

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