Maximizing Your Marketing Potential with SEO: A Complete Guide

  • On : July 11, 2024

Mastering various marketing strategies such as SEO can be really helpful in acquiring new customers. I’ve taken the liberty of being liberal when it comes to taking advice on board about keywords like YouTube advertising, online marketing courses, high ticket affiliate marketing, business ...

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Google Ads: Everything You Need to Know in 2024

  • On : June 26, 2024

Google Ads has long been a strong pillar of digital marketing, providing businesses with an effective platform to reach their target audience, drive traffic and boost sales. As we move into the second half of 2024, Google Ads continues to come up with new features, tools and strategies that ...

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Medical Services Brand Awareness

Marketing Strategies for Health Services Companies: Creating Awareness and Attracting Patients

  • On : December 14, 2023

Like any other industry and companies, marketing plays an extremely important role in promoting health services companies and attracting patients to their facilities. However, during times when patient numbers may be lower than expected, it becomes crucial to implement targeted marketing ...

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How To Use Software's to Improve Your Marketing Tactics

How To Use Software’s to Improve Marketing Tactics

  • On : July 4, 2022

In 2009, a now well-known slogan was introduced by Apple – ‘There’s an App for that’. The catchphrase was referring to the number of apps that Apple had available on its store, a store that can’t be accessed outside of its own network of devices. Now, more than a decade later, Apple aren’t the ...

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Digital vs Traditional Marketing

How Traditional Marketing Can Still Be Used in The Digital Era

  • On : July 1, 2022

As the digital age has revolutionized the way we interact with each other, marketing has evolved to meet the changing demands of consumers. This evolution came in the form of digital marketing. Digital marketing is any marketing that is done online, whereas traditional marketing uses channels ...

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Mobile phones with Advertising campaign

8 Digital Media and Advertising Predictions for 2022 – Part2

  • On : June 17, 2022

We are all looking for the next big thing, as we’ve seen a digital reform throughout all industries and how vital it is to have a presence in the digital space. It is easier said than done however, as much as we were collectively blindsided by the pandemic, we were also unprepared for the ...

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8 Reasons Why Your Business Should Focus on PR in 2022

  • On : December 16, 2021

If the pandemic has taught us anything over the past two years, it’s that your online presence matters. With some businesses operating entirely online and many consumers preferring to primarily shop online, how you appear on the internet will have a pivotal effect on the success of your company ...

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7 Reasons Why Marketing is More Than Advertising

7 Reasons Why Marketing is More Than Advertising

  • On : August 26, 2021

Most of the time we will use these terms interchangeably, not aware of their separate uses. On the surface, we may link these terms to a wide range of activities that promote a specific message and expand the awareness of a brand or product/service. However, in order to truly maximize your ...

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5 Key Ways to Make Your Ad Copy Less Boring

5 Key Ways to Make Your Ad Copy Less Boring

  • On : April 6, 2021

Your boring ad copy is killing sales!

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good marketing strategy

Components of a Good Marketing Strategy

  • On : October 16, 2020

A good ​marketing strategy ​consists of a comprehensive collection of marketing techniques that enables a business to direct its resources towards the best opportunities in terms of increasing sales and achieving a sustainable advantage over the competition. A marketing strategy consists of ...

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