The Advantages of A Marketing Strategy

The Advantages of A Marketing Strategy

  • On : November 17, 2020

Source: Marketing Eye Australia 2020 has been an interesting year in marketing, to say the least. Yes, we have all undeniably suffered under the conditions of the pandemic – but where there’s hardship there’s also an opportunity to be found and many of us have been forced into new and exciting ...

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content creation

How to curate the most effective content

  • On : October 27, 2020

Sharing a compelling and resonating story to your audience is a goal for any brand. Andrew Davis, a keynote speaker states, “Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” From a business perspective, content creation is an integral part of presenting a ...

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smart marketing strategy

Developing a smart marketing strategy

  • On : October 26, 2020

As 2020 draws to a close, many entrepreneurs and business leaders are coming to terms with the underperformance of marketing tactics for the year, most notably as a result of COVID-19. This has prompted many to rethink their marketing strategy and readjust their outcome expectations to increase ...

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Outsourcing marketing

Reasons Why Everyone’s Outsourcing Their Marketing

  • On : October 22, 2020

Marketing is effective, but it isn’t easy. In today’s modern environment, marketing particularly digital marketing has rapidly evolved transforming the way businesses operate. It’s safe to say most business owners aren’t exactly marketing experts. In order to run an effective and ...

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good marketing strategy

Components of a Good Marketing Strategy

  • On : October 16, 2020

A good ​marketing strategy ​consists of a comprehensive collection of marketing techniques that enables a business to direct its resources towards the best opportunities in terms of increasing sales and achieving a sustainable advantage over the competition. A marketing strategy consists of ...

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good marketing consultant

10 Characteristics of a Good Marketing Consultant

  • On : October 14, 2020

Marketing is a competitive game that requires carefully planned and well-executed tactics in order to be successful. Misinformed decisions often result in wasted time, resources and energy something businesses cannot afford in the current climate. A marketing consultant has the ability to look ...

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Rethinking Your Marketing Strategy

Rethinking Your Marketing Strategy

  • On : September 30, 2020

During a time of such uncertainty, it is likely you’ve thought about rethinking your marketing strategy. With reduced demand for your product or services, the thought of perhaps saving some money has likely crossed your mind. It is important to remember that your competitors are likely to be ...

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10 Ways to Improve SEO

10 Ways to Improve SEO

  • On : September 28, 2020

Source: Marketing Eye Australia Remember Search Engine Optimising (SEO) ​ is a long-term game. To improve your site’s ranking (SEO) we’ve made a list ‘10 Ways to Improve SEO’. Follow these suggestions and watch your website rise the ranks to the top of search-engine results. Publish ...

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How to Develop a Marketing Strategy in 5 Easy Steps

How to Develop a Marketing Strategy in 5 Easy Steps

  • On : September 25, 2020

According to Bob Hoffman, “Without strategy and planning, marketing is useless.” This is a belief shared by all marketers in which businesses cannot move forward in the right direction without careful preparation and tactical approach. Subsequently, this is where developing a marketing strategy ...

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5 Reasons Why it’s Time to Rethink Your Digital Marketing

5 Reasons Why it’s Time to Rethink Your Digital Marketing

  • On : September 23, 2020

It’s almost 2021 and it’s impossible to think of marketing without digital marketing. If you are a business owner, you are sure to be using at least one form of digital marketing in promoting your products and services. According to DigitalMarketer, “Digital marketing is the act of promoting ...

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