Technology Clues

Georgia Tech Gamification Clues

  • On : February 8, 2022

For those who like ‘old school’ gamification, and are attending today’s speech to marketing students at Georgia Tech by Mellissah Smith, the CEO of Robotic Marketer accompanied by her dog Jolie, you might find this handy.   Words to find: Data Scientist CMO Marketing Assistant Manager ...

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Robotic marketer

Why You Need The Help Of Marketing Strategy Technology

  • On : August 21, 2020

Because technology is the answer to coping with the future.   Following the current trajectory of the world’s events, I think it’s safe to say that technology is at the forefront of managing the ‘new normal’. Today, there is mounting pressure on businesses to adapt quickly in order to stay ...

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How a Marketing Strategy Technology is the Best Option for your Marketing Team

How a Marketing Strategy Technology is the Best Option for your Marketing Team

  • On : August 17, 2020

Technological innovation and marketing strategy are unique and evolving disciplines, wide-ranging into relevant circumstances which are utilized by marketing teams to help facilitate an intended experience amongst consumers. Today, marketing strategy technology is a required approach, employed ...

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The Impact Of Machine Learning On Digital Marketing Strategy

The Impact Of Machine Learning On Digital Marketing Strategy

  • On : March 3, 2020

Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that allows for the creation of predictive models and algorithms that are able to learn and improve without the need for human intervention. These programs are then able to anticipate consumer behaviour in order to optimise marketing ...

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