Best marketing strategies for an accounting practice

Best marketing strategies for an accounting practice

  • On : June 5, 2022

Marketing strategies for accountants are unique in that they must cut through people’s preconceived notions of what an accounting firm is. Typically, people only interact with accounting practices when they are required to, like when tax time rolls around. But with the right marketing strategies in place, you can set yourself up for success by creating value for your customers, not only through your services but through your marketing messages. By having a marketing strategy in place to guide your efforts you can more effectively communicate with your clients and develop a useful website, blog, and social media presence. You can also better understand the power of SEO and networking and begin utilizing these techniques to increase the success of your marketing efforts.


Your website is one of the main ways that you can drive results from your marketing campaigns. With a well-developed website that is fast and easy to use you increase the likelihood that people visiting will choose you over your competitors.

A website is a great place that your marketing messages can direct your potential users. But without a reason to stay or interact with your business, people will quickly leave and forget about your brand. So how do you keep people interested? One thing you can put on your website is a blog.


Blogs are a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in your field. This can come in the form of an opinion piece, an advice article, or a news article. For accounting practices, you can focus on showing your firms strengths through opinion and advice articles based around the services you offer. If you fulfill a niche role or specialize in accounting for a specific industry, write blogs about that niche or industry to demonstrate your knowledge to current and potential customers.

By having a series of blogs available on you site, you increase the likelihood of your site showing up in search engines like Google. This is an example of search engine optimization and is another important marketing strategy you should be implementing.


SEO refers to a series of techniques that you can employ to show up higher in search results. These techniques apply to many of the aspects of your website such as meta tags, keyword use, content posted, and much more. The meta tags refer to things like the meta title and meta description that are included in the code of your site. They are what is displayed on the results page and will be the first part of your site that people will see. Google will sometimes rewrite these and replace the ones you provide, but it’s still good practice to include them in the backend of your website. SEO is also influenced in part by your website’s analytics. If people tend to stay on your site, or your site is linked to by a lot of other sites then your search engine performance will benefit.

By creating an effective SEO strategy, you will position your business to perform better in search results and drive more traffic to your website.

Social Media

Social media platforms act as a way to reach customers with organic messages no matter where they are. Many of the ways that marketing messages are delivered are limited by the fact that they can only be seen when people choose to engage with them. Channels such as television ads or billboards can only be seen at certain times or places. With social media you can reach your customers whenever and wherever they are.

Your business’ social media pages are a great place to repurpose blog content from your website. A great example is using quotes from your blogs as the basis for your posts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can also use your social media presence to provide some value for your followers by giving updates on tax and finance news, as well as reminders of upcoming deadlines for tax returns or important dates.

LinkedIn is a unique social media platform for businesses as it provides a unique chance to network with other companies and form relationships and partnerships with them. The site is a fantastic place to demonstrate the achievements and success of your company and employees. Posting your blog content on LinkedIn is a great way to show your business as capable and professional.


Networking creates new opportunities to grow your business. By meeting new people, in person or online, you can develop relationships and potentially meet new clients, partners, or employees that you might not have otherwise connected with. Use Google and Facebook to keep up to date on when networking events are happening and try and attend as many as you can. As mentioned above, LinkedIn is a great way to network with other businesses online and reach people that may be more distant from you.

Having a marketing strategy sets you apart from the competition and allows you to reach your full potential. At Robotic Marketer, our team of marketing experts work with industry leading technology to create a marketing strategy that is tailor made for your business. We can create a strategy that utilizes the above techniques, along with many more, to grow your business and meet your marketing needs. Effectively communicating your message to your clients is the most important aspect of creating meaningful results from a marketing strategy, and with a marketing strategy from Robotic Marketer, you can reach your target audience in a way that drives results and grows your business.

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