3 Tools to Measure Brand Awareness and Why You Should

3 Tools to Measure Brand Awareness and Why You Should

  • On : November 18, 2020

Source: Jeff Bullas

Every brand wishes to become famous. Well, every entrepreneur, business owner, and marketer wishes for its brand to become famous.

But as you might guess, popularity doesn’t happen overnight. Not for brands. They don’t wake up famous; instead, slowly and steadily, they grow brand awareness.

What is brand awareness?

Brand awareness defines the extent to which consumers are familiar with the qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or services.

The goal of marketing, PR, and even customer service is to grow brand awareness – to make sure people know the brand, talk about it, and recall it when the brand’s industry is discussed. These are the primary perks of brand awareness, but there are others, too.

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Source: Jeff Bullas