10 Tips To An Award Winning Facebook Marketing Strategy

10 Tips To An Award Winning Facebook Marketing Strategy

  • On : March 10, 2020

Facebook can be considered one of the most popular social media platforms out there, with 68% of US adults actively using it. So, if you plan to promote your brand, this is probably the first place to start.

Understanding how you should market your product or service through Facebook has the capability to skyrocket your business, however studying this social media platform takes discipline, time and effort. While the platform is popular and relatively easy to use, you still need to train yourself in targeting the right people with the right messages.

So, in order to get you started on this journey of learning, here are our top 10 tips to an award-winning Facebook marketing strategy.

  1. Set goals

What results are you hoping to achieve? Are you looking to increase brand awareness? Are you looking to increase traffic to your website via Facebook ads? These are some questions that need to be asked when planning your Facebook marketing strategy.

Goals should be catered to a specific need and have a SMART strategy (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely). For example, having a goal that attempts to have 40 leads and a cost per conversion of less than $12 by the end of the month.

  1. Prompt your target audience

Using Facebook Ads manager is a good tool to work out where to find your target audience and how to best reach them. It allows you to adjust your audience to those who are most qualified for the product or service that you will be promoting.

If the audience selected is small, this may mean that the ad may be seen over and over and may not be reaching out to new people. To mitigate this, you can utilize Facebook insights to increase your reach. Ensure you remain within your budget when attempting to do so.

  1. Set budget

You need to spend money to make money! But you need to have a budget in place for the amount that you want to spend on Facebook ads, so nothing goes to waste. Facebook is a money-hungry yet money-making platform, which means you need to ensure you are constantly monitoring the money being spent on ads when planning your price strategy.

A Facebook budget should include:

  • Page-like ad costs
  • Conversion costs
  • Boosted post costs

Depending on the goal that you have in mind, you will need to alter what is included in your Facebook marketing strategy budget.

  1. Plan Engaging Content

Utilizing post-scheduling software for Facebook posts can allow you to have posts ready to go far in advance. It is recommended that posts are scheduled a month in advance, averaging at 5 posts per week.

Facebook posts should include GIFs, images and/or photos to increase recognition and interaction with your target audience.

When planning posts, the 70-20-10 rule should be followed (created by Crystal Vilkaitis):

  • 70% of Facebook posts should add value and build the brand
  • 20% should share ideas or content from other sources
  • 10% should be promotional, with offers and discounts offered to followers
  1. Plan Equally Engaging Ads

When planning a Facebook marketing strategy for your business page, types of content and their tone must be discussed. Consistency in tone of voice throughout your page is of utmost importance.

Photos added within posts must relate to the product or service that you promote or sell. Even the kinds of relevant articles that you repost from relevant sources must fit in with the tone of your page. This tone must also resonate with your target audience. 

  1. Focus on the copy

Each post should have around 3 sentences that contains one that grabs attention, one that adds value to the post and a call to action in a form of a link, ‘tag a friend’ or ‘watch video’ prompt.

When developing your Facebook copy, aim to schedule posts around 4 to 10 times a week, along with special attention to tone consistency as discussed earlier.

  1. Planning the monitoring of your posts

Posts should be monitored daily with special emphasis on ensuring messages and posts are replied to. It is of utmost importance that you engage with your target audience.

Make sure you plan ahead and allocate time for you to be able to monitor and respond to posts as this in turn improves your response rate.

  1. Retargeting

Ensure you plan how you will retarget those who purchase or opt into your Facebook ad to further increase the potential of word-of-mouth/sharing of posts or Facebook page. Retargeting should relate to the customer and their last purchase and fulfil a need.

  1. Create or Join Facebook Groups

Join groups on Facebook when creating your Facebook marketing strategy for more tips on how to master the art of marketing on Facebook. Additionally, by adding your business to groups, regardless if they are public or private, gives your company the opportunity to connect with other similar businesses as well as generate brand awareness for no additional cost.

  1. Promote Page Outside Facebook

The more publicity you can generate for your business, the better. As part of your Facebook marketing strategy, it is a good idea to interlink your digital platforms such as Instagram or your website to allow for a more thorough promotion of your brand. If optimized correctly, you will be able to see an increase in website traffic as well as an improvement in returns.

It is essential that you utilize these tips to your advantage, so you are able to nail a brilliant Facebook marketing strategy. Make sure you take the time to study how Facebook insights work to ensure marketing success.