
The worldwide adoption of robotics

  • On : January 10, 2018

Moving into 2018 we’re seeing an increasing number of companies replacing a percentage of their workers with robotics and advanced technology in an attempt to increase productivity levels like never before and cut costs.

This shift to accepting and adopting a robotic workplace will be one of the biggest hurdles faced by corporate businesses over the years to come.

As technology continues to scale and advance to unthought-of measures, the range of tasks that can be overridden by automated systems will continue to increase leaving the future of human labour in a state of flux.


Companies that are effectively using robotics

Amazon – the global giant on the forefront of automating their workforce completely. Amazon now has over 100,000 robotics working in their warehouses worldwide with an aim of having all repetitive tasks automated in the near future. Without these robots, Amazon would not be able to operate at this level of automation and profitability and consumers perhaps would not benefit from 2 days shipping.


Changying Precision Technology Company – meet the company that replaced 90% of its workforce with robotics. This factory used to manhandle around 650 human employees in order to produce mobile phones. These days only around 60 employees are currently employed alongside 60 robotic arms that work around the clock, better yet the general manager believes this number could drop to even around 20 employees?!


Adidas – the robot powered shoe factory located in Germany. Thanks to robotics Adidas can now create specialised runners for different cities. Speedfactory, the state of the art robotics factory created six different shoes designed for specific locations (London, Paris etc.) revolutionising the way Adidas creates footwear. Apparently, these shoes are just the first step in a much bigger race.


Spread – the robot powered lettuce farmers taking over from humans. This forward-thinking company has produced perhaps the worlds first highly automated robotic farm harvesting around 30,000+ lettuces a day. But their innovation doesn’t stop here with lettuces, Spread have already moved on to planning a robotic farm for other vegetables – a worldwide game changer for the industry.


 Marketing Eye – meet the robotic marketer colleague (a work in progress).

With innovation at the forefront of our practices, building the first one of a kind marketing robot is super exciting. This marketing robot will combine AI, machine learning, big data, data scraping and data science to produce the most advanced marketing strategy out there. These will be more intuitive, smarter, market research and fact-based with an in-depth analysis of competitors and artificial intelligence. Find out how you can get your hands on one of these strategies.


Businesses that fail to pick up on the changing dynamics that automation, robotics and advanced technology present will soon find themselves unable to compete against industry giants and dominates in their field.

So what does the future of your business look like?