How brand ambassadors can help your marketing plan succeed

  • On : November 25, 2023

Marketing is a crucial and challenging activity for any business, as it involves creating and communicating value propositions, building and maintaining relationships, and influencing and satisfying customers. Marketing is also constantly evolving and adapting to the changing environment and technology, such as the rise of social media, e-commerce, and mobile devices.   

That’s where brand ambassadors can help. According to a survey by Expert Voice, 82% of consumers are more likely to follow the recommendation of a brand ambassador, and 73% of consumers are more likely to purchase a product after interacting with a brand ambassador. Brand ambassadors are people, especially influencers, who are paid or rewarded to endorse or promote a particular company’s products or services. Brand ambassadors can help your marketing plan succeed by providing authentic and engaging content, reaching and influencing target audiences, and generating positive brand image, awareness, and word of mouth.   

In this blog post, we will explore some of the ways that brand ambassadors can help your marketing plan succeed, and some of the benefits and challenges that brand ambassadors bring for marketing.   

How Brand Ambassadors Can Help Your Marketing Plan   

Brand ambassadors can help your marketing plan by providing various benefits and advantages for different aspects and stages of marketing, such as:  

  1. Brand Ambassadors for Content Creation and Distribution

Brand ambassadors can help create and distribute authentic and engaging content for marketing, such as blogs, videos, podcasts, and social media posts. Brand ambassadors can use their creativity, personality, and expertise to showcase and demonstrate the features, benefits, and values of your products or services, and share their personal stories, experiences, and opinions. Brand ambassadors can also use their own style, tone, and voice to appeal to and connect with their followers and fans and create a sense of trust and credibility.  

  1. Brand Ambassadors for Audience Reach and Influence

Brand ambassadors can help reach and influence target audiences for marketing, such as potential and existing customers, prospects, and leads. Brand ambassadors can use their popularity, reputation, and network to expose and attract people to your products or services, and persuade and motivate them to act, such as visiting your website, following your social media accounts, signing up for your newsletter, or making a purchase. Brand ambassadors can also use their feedback, reviews, and testimonials to educate and inform people about your products or services, and address and resolve their doubts, questions, and objections.  

  1. Brand Ambassadors for Brand Image, Awareness, and Word of Mouth

Brand ambassadors can help generate positive brand image, awareness, and word of mouth for marketing, such as brand recognition, reputation, and loyalty. Brand ambassadors can use their endorsement, advocacy, and recommendation to enhance and reinforce your brand identity, values, and personality, and create a positive association and impression. Brand ambassadors can also use their social proof, referrals, and ratings to increase and spread your brand visibility, exposure, and reach, and create a buzz and hype. 

It is a travel and accommodation platform that uses its ambassadors, who are hosts, guests, and travellers, to create and share content, stories, and experiences, and promote its products and community. Airbnb’s brand ambassadors are called Airbnb Experiences Hosts, and they offer unique and personalized activities for travellers who want to explore the local culture, lifestyle, and passion of their destination. Airbnb Experiences Hosts can create and host their own experiences, such as cooking classes, hiking tours, art workshops, and more, and share their knowledge, skills, and passion with their guests. Airbnb Experiences Hosts can also use their social media accounts, blogs, and websites to showcase and market their experiences, and attract and engage potential and existing customers. Airbnb Experiences Hosts can help Airbnb increase its brand awareness, loyalty, and differentiation, and create a sense of community, trust, and authenticity.   

What are the Benefits and Challenges of Brand Ambassadors for Marketing?    

  1. Brand Ambassador for Marketing Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Sustainability

Brand ambassadors can increase the effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of marketing, by providing better and faster content, reach, and impact for marketing. Brand ambassadors can also reduce the cost, risk, and waste of marketing, and improve the return on investment (ROI) and customer lifetime value (CLV) of marketing. Brand ambassadors can also help marketers adapt to the changing environment and technology and enhance their competitiveness and profitability.  

  1. Brand Ambassadors for Marketing Opportunities and Relationships

Brand ambassadors can also create new opportunities and relationships, but also pose new responsibilities and expectations. Brand ambassadors can create new opportunities and relationships for marketing, such as new markets, segments, channels, and partners. However, brand ambassadors can also pose new responsibilities and expectations for marketing, such as selecting, training, managing, and rewarding brand ambassadors, and ensuring their quality, consistency, and compliance.  

  1. Brand Ambassadors for Marketing Authenticity and Trustworthiness

Brand ambassadors can also be authentic and trustworthy, but also biased and unreliable. Brand ambassadors can be authentic and trustworthy for marketing, by providing honest and genuine content, opinions, and feedback, and creating a sense of trust and credibility. However, brand ambassadors can also be biased and unreliable for marketing, by providing inaccurate and misleading content, opinions, and feedback, and creating a sense of doubt and scepticism.   

In conclusion, Brand ambassadors are a powerful and popular marketing tool that can help your marketing plan succeed by providing authentic and engaging content, reaching and influencing target audiences, and generating positive brand image, awareness, and word of mouth. However, brand ambassadors are also a complex and dynamic marketing tool that can bring various benefits and challenges for marketing. Brand ambassadors are not a magic bullet or a silver bullet for marketing, but a strategic and tactical marketing tool that can be used and managed for good or bad.