Maximizing Your Marketing Potential with SEO: A Complete Guide

  • On : July 11, 2024

Mastering various marketing strategies such as SEO can be really helpful in acquiring new customers. I’ve taken the liberty of being liberal when it comes to taking advice on board about keywords like YouTube advertising, online marketing courses, high ticket affiliate marketing, business ...

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Virtual Reality

Is the metaverse just marketing hype?

  • On : December 30, 2021

The world is abuzz with hype over how customers will experience brands through the metaverse and with the likes of Facebook and Microsoft throwing their weight behind the ‘next big thing’, the world is scrambling to work out whether it is just hype or do we all need to be early adopters and ...

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facebook ads campaign STP

How to Design a Streamlined Facebook Ads Campaign

  • On : August 17, 2021

The first step to having a streamlined Facebook ads campaign is to use the STP framework. Rather than focusing on a broad audience and actively alienating your customers, STP focuses on specific segments to ensure your message resonates.

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10 Tips To An Award Winning Facebook Marketing Strategy

10 Tips To An Award Winning Facebook Marketing Strategy

  • On : March 10, 2020

Facebook can be considered one of the most popular social media platforms out there, with 68% of US adults actively using it. So, if you plan to promote your brand, this is probably the first place to start. Understanding how you should market your product or service through Facebook has the ...

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Email Marketing, More Influential Than Facebook and Twitter Combined?

Email Marketing, More Influential Than Facebook and Twitter Combined?

  • On : November 9, 2019

Email marketing is one of the most pervading forms of media today. This channel boasts some 3.9 billion users, surpassing the total accounts of Facebook and Twitter, combined. If you’re not using email marketing to reach your target audience, you should be. So how exactly does your business ...

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B2B Enterprise And The Early Adoption of TikTok App

B2B Enterprise And The Early Adoption of TikTok App

  • On : November 7, 2019

TikTok! No…we’re not talking about a clock.  TikTok is the world’s fastest-growing social media platform and its numbers are staggering. 500 million users and 1.2 billion downloads make the app ripe for user engagement. However, is it possible for the B2B ventures to adopt this ...

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‘Lights, Camera, Keep Up’: The Age of Strategic Video Marketing

‘Lights, Camera, Keep Up’: The Age of Strategic Video Marketing

  • On : November 1, 2019

Today, consumers are spending 33% of their time watching online video content. To keep up with these staggering figures, companies must keep video content in their wheelbarrow. So then, how do we integrate video into our marketing strategy?

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“And We’re Live!”: How Live Video Streaming Impacts User Interaction

“And We’re Live!”: How Live Video Streaming Impacts User Interaction

  • On : October 17, 2019

The culture of content shifts like sand in a desert. As new mediums emerge from the woodworks, they change the landscape of user interaction. The introduction of live features–on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn–create sweeping and innovative changes that alter social media ...

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