Content marketing

The benefits of content marketing for public relations

  • On : January 15, 2023

Content marketing is a strategic approach to creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content. This is to attract and engage a clearly defined audience, with the goal of driving profitable customer action. In the context of public relations, content marketing can be a ...

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Business Meeting

Is a Marketing Strategy Just a To Do List?

  • On : February 24, 2022

Every business has a marketing plan. A marketer’s daily task is to execute that plan. As we go down the list and “tick all the boxes”, does that mean our marketing objectives are achieved? Despite following strictly every step of the plan, your company is still viable of being on the wrong ...

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8 Reasons Why Your Business Should Focus on PR in 2022

  • On : December 16, 2021

If the pandemic has taught us anything over the past two years, it’s that your online presence matters. With some businesses operating entirely online and many consumers preferring to primarily shop online, how you appear on the internet will have a pivotal effect on the success of your company ...

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7 Reasons Why Marketing is More Than Advertising

7 Reasons Why Marketing is More Than Advertising

  • On : August 26, 2021

Most of the time we will use these terms interchangeably, not aware of their separate uses. On the surface, we may link these terms to a wide range of activities that promote a specific message and expand the awareness of a brand or product/service. However, in order to truly maximize your ...

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The Need-to-knows About Digital PR

The Need-to-knows About Digital PR

  • On : June 28, 2021

Digital PR is a strategically planned activity of using internet-based tools and methods to attain an increase in online presence and visibility.

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good marketing strategy

Components of a Good Marketing Strategy

  • On : October 16, 2020

A good ​marketing strategy ​consists of a comprehensive collection of marketing techniques that enables a business to direct its resources towards the best opportunities in terms of increasing sales and achieving a sustainable advantage over the competition. A marketing strategy consists of ...

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good marketing consultant

10 Characteristics of a Good Marketing Consultant

  • On : October 14, 2020

Marketing is a competitive game that requires carefully planned and well-executed tactics in order to be successful. Misinformed decisions often result in wasted time, resources and energy something businesses cannot afford in the current climate. A marketing consultant has the ability to look ...

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3 Ways Small Businesses can use Digital PR

3 Ways Small Businesses can use Digital PR

  • On : October 8, 2020

Digital PR is used to build brand awareness in the form of immediate communication, strengthening your business’ exposure and search engine optimization. Small businesses can leverage digital PR through an assortment of online channels to help drive website traffic and improve search ...

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The rising influence of spatial marketing

The rising influence of spatial marketing

  • On : January 8, 2020

Marketing is effectively getting rid of the middle man – and putting tape on the mouths of marketers around the globe. Now, that is a little over the top, but it’s not too far from the truth and when you read this, you will see why.

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10 Tools to Improve Your PR

10 Tools to Improve Your PR

  • On : October 16, 2019

Public Relations is a multifaceted process that involves a variety of roles and requires hours of planning. For many startups and small businesses, this discipline operates as a one-man show–or falls to the wayside. But, it doesn’t have to be this way! Today we’ll look at several tools to ...

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