Tech Stack_Every_Small_Business

What Technology Stack Every Small Business Should Have

  • On : September 28, 2022

When it comes to a small business, deciding on the best technology stack to consider for managing its marketing tasks can be challenging.

This can be due to the costs of these applications and service tools, especially if you’re just starting out with a minimal budget.

That being said, your business must have marketing tools as they are used to automate, optimize and scale your marketing efforts.

Regardless of the scale of your business, it should be noted that a technology stack will look different to a company. So even though you’re a small business with a limited budget, it’s highly recommended to still have a technology stack that covers your marketing tool basics.

It can be daunting to put together the essentials needed for success, but this is where we come in.

First, we will review what tech stack every small business should have.

Social Media

As we live in the digital technology era, having a social media presence is vital.

With 67% of marketers saying that social listening is a valuable way to track and understand changing customer needs, social media is essential for any business to integrate into their marketing strategies.

Being one of the most valuable tools for connecting and communicating with your customers more meaningfully, it’ll always help your company and audience connect with up-to-date information about your products and services.

As great as social media sounds, it’s understandable that it can be pretty time-consuming to keep up with all your social media platforms. This is where a social media marketing tool comes in to help automate your social media tasks, such as publishing and scheduling content, to name a few.

With a unique, easy-to-use marketing tool such as Hootsuite, it’s an excellent way to schedule your posts in advance, edit your social media calendar and provide basic analytics for every single one of your posts. Their different plans have never been easier to choose what’s right for you.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Regardless of how much time and effort you have spent creating your website, you may be wondering how to get your target audience to find your website in the first place.

If this sounds familiar, then the reason is that you probably aren’t incorporating any SEO tools with your technology stack.

How search engine optimization works are that it allows you to measure, optimize and monitor all the changes with the search engine algorithms and competitor rankings for your chosen search engines.

With these tools assisting with improving your online presence and visualization, SEO marketing stack tools such as Semrush reports your keyword volumes, backlinks, competitor analysis, marketing analysis, and click rates, just to name a few.


With collaboration tools, these are an all-in-one communication platform for your whole team to share files, chat, and manage projects and assignments.

Using collaboration tools will offer your business a fair, more efficient way to communicate with one another, improving overall productivity extensively.

Effective communication generates 4.5 times higher talent retention; with software such as Asana, you’ll be able to send messages to one another, coordinate tasks, share files, and delegate responsibilities.

Analytics and Insights

John Wanamaker (1838-1922), a very successful USA merchant, religious leader, and political figure, said, “half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”

Many businesses that have not incorporated any marketing analytics tools will wonder the same thing that Wanamaker was.

Analytics tools offer businesses valuable data that can be easily interpreted to see how your marketing, sales, operations, and services are going. It will also evaluate and recommend professional insight on your marketing performance, leads, sales, and customers, as well as revenue insight data to make your business more profitable without putting money in the wrong places.

When it comes to any website analytics tool, nothing compares to the likes of Google Analytics. It gives you complete information on understanding your site and app users to check the performance of your marketing, content, products, and much more.

Google Analytics also gives its users exclusive insights and machine learning capabilities to make the most of their data. The best part of all this is that it’s completely free.

Time to Review Your Tech Stack

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the importance of a tech stack and what marketing tools are great to incorporate with it, it’s time for you to review your business’s tech stack.

With this question, ask yourself which areas your business lacks, areas for improvement, and where you need to get started.

With many of these tools offering free trial periods, there’s no reason to get started now.

For more blogs covering all marketing and business trends, click here.


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