Program Details

Marketing Strategy

AI Powered "Elevate 100 Club"

The Elevate 100 Club, developed by Robotic Marketer, maximizes marketing performance through using a combination of valuable training and development with best-in-class AI tools. This program is designed to help companies (and marketers) develop a marketing strategy and implement it setting a marketing cadence and running marketing campaigns. It has been established to solve two major problems: Lack of discipline in executing marketing programs and use of AI in marketing.

Through advanced AI tools, participants learn to efficiently use their time, execute to a plan, implement strategies with higher ROI, and keep on track to accomplishing marketing goals. The program’s focus on targeted lead generation and conversion tactics, coupled with regular reporting and adaptability, ensures measurable outcomes. This unique blend of AI-driven strategies, expert coaching, and advanced tools significantly impacts an organisation’s bottom line by enhancing marketing effectiveness, resource efficiency, budget optimization and lead generation.

Timeline for Elevate 100 Club Program Rollout

Phase 1: Strategy Development

Objective of Phase 1: Develop a comprehensive, AI-driven marketing strategy tailored to each company’s specific needs.  This is an important foundational stage and incorporates entering information on your company, goals and target audience into Robotic Marketer. From there, you will participate with other stakeholders in your company in a marketing workshop – which ensures a thorough discovery of what your company wants to achieve over the next 12 months. This group session will take 1.5 hours in total.


  • Week 1-2 (December): Initial assessments and data gathering. 
  • Week 3-4 (December): Preliminary strategy formulation and review. 
  • Week 1-3 (January): Finalisation of the 50+ page marketing strategy for each company. 

Deliverables: Completed marketing strategy document for each participating company along with a 12 month implementation plan in which we encourage you to integrate into your project management software.

Program Details

Phase 2: Weekly Webinars (Starting 4th Week of January)

You have a marketing strategy, then what?

Objective of Phase 2: Provide ongoing education and guidance for implementing the marketing strategy. This series of webinars takes you through the entire process, so expect your foundation to be set, and execution of marketing programs on a monthly basis. Learn everything you need to know to be more successful with implementing your marketing strategy.

Schedule: Every Wednesday at 4 PM CST (Duration: 40 minutes). 

Webinar Topics: 

  • Week 1: Introduction to the Program and Marketing Strategy Presentation. 
  • Week 2: Utilising AI Tools for Efficient Implementation. 
  • Week 3: Creating Personalized Content and Delivery Strategies. 
  • Subsequent Weeks: Various topics covering all aspects of marketing strategy implementation, monitoring, and optimization. 

Format: Interactive webinars with Q&A sessions for practical insights and advice. This will be facilitated by a professional marketing manager with expert knowledge on AI marketing tools.

Phase 3: Monthly One-on-One Coaching

Coaching Entrepreneurs and Marketers to be Superstars!

Objective: Offer personalised support and guidance for each company throughout the entire process in a coaching format.


  • End of January: Schedule one-on-one meetings for the entire year. 
  • Focus: Each meeting will be tailored to the company’s progress, challenges, and specific needs in implementing the marketing strategy. 
  • Frequency: Once a month, dates and times pre-scheduled for convenience and consistency.
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Ongoing Activities

Automated Reports for Management

Program Objective: Members gain access to a state-of-the-art digital dashboard, serving as a central hub which provides regular updates on your performance, automating the reporting feature to present to senior management (or just yourself!).


  • Automated monthly reports detailing key metrics and achievements. 
  • Insights into strategy implementation effectiveness and areas for improvement. 

Benefit: Enables management to stay informed and engaged with the marketing efforts and outcomes.  

This structured approach to marketing, combining AI-driven strategy development, educational webinars, personalised coaching, and automated reporting, is designed to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness in marketing efforts for each participating company in the “Elevate 100 Club”. 

Client Testimonials

Our Clients

At Robotic Marketer, our marketing consultants have built some of the best and most productive of relationships that are rooted in a desire to create a marketing plan to achieve greatness. We have offered marketing consulting services to a range of clients from small to mid-sized companies who through the Robotic Marketer platform seek to develop refreshed a marketing strategy that will help them stand out of an ocean of competition.

our clients
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